2007 Calendar
Crowning | Saturday 5th May at 1pm - Old Town Hall |
| Philippa was crowned outside the Old Town Hall. She paraded from Wallington Green, led by the Whitgift Band, and was escorted by
Grayes Dance Group, as well as 3rd Beddington Scout Group, of which Philippa is a member. The Mayor, Councillor Richard Bailey, crowned Philippa and she was presented
with her medal by Beryl Covill-Smith. This was followed by some music the Whitgift Band, a dance by Grayes School of Dancing and some singing by the 3rd Beddington
Theatre Group. For photos of the event click here. |
Hayes Common | Saturday 12th May |
| The May Queen paraded around the streets of Hayes with all the other May Queens from the London area
and their entourages. The London May Queen was crowned during the parade. This was then followed by May Pole Dancing and
presentation of awards. |
Beating the Bounds | Sunday 13th May |
| Philippa 'Beat the Bounds' of St Michaels and All Angels. This meant that she walked the boundaries of the parish along with the
parishioners of the church.
Carshalton Carnival | Saturday 9th June
| The May Queen rode on a float with her princesses around the streets of Carshalton as part of the Carshalton Carnival Parade. This year the group
won the award for the best May Queen float in the carnival. For photos of the event click here. |
Centenary Fair | Saturday 23rd June |
| Philippa opened the St Michaels Church Centenary Fair.
High View Fair | Saturday 30th June |
| Philippa opened the High View School Fair.
Flower Festival | Saturday 7th July |
| The May Queen and her princesses attended the Flower Festival at St Mary's Church in Beddington Park
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